Shaping their futures

At Morialta Secondary College, we are committed to providing an engaging, active, and accessible curriculum that builds students’ sense of belonging to the community, challenges all, and supports them to achieve their best. By doing this, our goal is to provide the skills, knowledge and experiences needed for Morialta Secondary College students to become active, socially aware, global citizens with the agency to follow their desired future pathways.

Learning at Morialta Secondary College is joyful, interactive, and collaborative, fostering creativity and self-efficacy through active, engaging experiences that promote deep learning, challenge, and the transfer of knowledge and skills.

Our Curriculum Principles

All curriculum at Morialta Secondary College is designed according to our curriculum principles:

  • Empower Aspiration: Strive for personal excellence
  • Provide Personalised Pathways: Flexibility for growth and passion
  • Connect Learning Beyond the Classroom: Curriculum links to the real-world
  • Nurture Capabilities: Build capabilities through content and experiences

Curriculum at Morialta Secondary College is collaboratively developed using a clear process that is quality assured and strikes a balance between teacher agency and consistency.

Middle Years

All students in years 7 and 8 access the same curriculum offerings over the first 2 years of secondary school in order to provide a consistent experience that builds skills and competencies across disciplines and provides an introduction to secondary school learning. 

In the middle years, curriculum at Morialta Secondary College prioritises the development of skills in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences through a non-parity timetable. This means that students have more lessons a week in these learning areas than they do in non-core subjects (Arts, Technologies, Health and Physical Education, Italian).

All learning is timetabled in Connect classes and students in year 7 have the same teacher for English and HASS, and Mathematics and Science. These structures enable teachers to get to know their learners well, provide personalised learning and support a positive transition to a secondary school learning environment.

At the end of year 8 in preparation for year 9, students select a range of optional subjects to support the refining of their curriculum experience in the direction of their interests and passions.

Learning in year 9 maintains the prioritisation of the core subjects with 4 lessons per week in the core subjects and 3 lessons per week in all other learning areas. 

For more detailed information about subject offerings, please see our curriculum guide. 

Senior Years

Students in years 10 to 12 at Morialta Secondary College will study the South Australian Certificate of Education.

Commencing in year 10 with the subject “Emerging identities and futures”, students typically complete the requirements for the certificate over 3 years.

For more detailed information about subject offerings, please see our curriculum guide. 
